Mémoires et biographies

Ce que vivent certains… Voici les livres sur ceux qui ont été inspirés par la France ou qui l'ont marqué. Profitez-en – j’espère que cela vous inspirera à vivre la vie de vos rêves.
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A woman of no importance
Author: Sonia Purnell
J'ai adoré ce livre. Voilà , je l'ai dit. J'ai épinglé mes couleurs sur le mât et j'ai fait une grande déclaration. C'est l'histoire vraie d'une famille australienne (maman, papa et trois enfants) qui part pendant un an à Sommières, dans le sud de la France. Maman est l'auteur et quelle drôle d'auteur elle est. C'est le rêve de Rachael et de son mari Keith : emmener les enfants dans une expérience de « formation du caractère » et de « changement de vie ». Cela demande beaucoup d’efforts, des listes de choses à faire et puis voilà , les voilà . Peut-être que j’ai adoré parce que je suis un « kiwi » (de Nouvelle-Zélande, voisin de l’Australie) et que j’ai compris les blagues dans l’écriture, l’humour et les expériences. Ou peut-être était-ce simplement que je n’avais jamais lu de livre auparavant sur le fait d’emmener une jeune famille en France.
Author: Sutanya Dacres
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Author: Sonia Choquette
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A Fortuitous Foray into France
Author: Gerry Collins
An undreamt-of adventure in a little piece of heaven on the French Atlantic Coast...
Well, doesn’t that heading say it all! It’s a call to arms for all of us to wish to have undreamt-of adventure in our lives. The kind of adventure that challenges us, grows us, and makes us giddy with happiness.
I was first attracted to this book by the rather unusual title – a fortuitous foray – who would use those words? How was it that I knew what those words conveyed? Yes, I am that old.
Here is a book by someone with a love of the English language. Meet Gerry Collins, a retired Australian Broadcasting Channel (ABC) sports broadcaster, who similarly to myself, has an interest in learning the French language.

Dream Wheeler
Author: Deb Hunt

It’s never too late to live your dream.
The story in a nutshell: Deb Hunt buys the small London house of Jane Lambert.
Jane, who, if she was still alive would be 94 this year, was at the time a colorful 63-year-old, wheelchair bound, looking for both love and a new home in France.
Deb is, by turns, incredulous, scared and finally in awe, of Janes achievements. She has written this book.
Its a pretty simple story that involves a very determined lady.
We follow Jane through the sale of her London house (and burgeoning friendship with the author), through the process of buying a, shall we say, modest (read: derelict) home near St Nazaire and settling into a new life.
The Château Forever
Authors: Dick and Angel Strawbridge
Hands up if you have not heard about the Strawbridge’s, and their renovation of Château-de-la-Motte Husson? Stars of the British TV show Channel 4: Escape to the Château?
Ring any bells, dear readers?
I have been a bit of a feverish convert to following the journey this couple have been on since 2015. They have written three books to date.
I love their ‘Britishness’ and words they use, their courage and their teamwork. They have both got unique skills and, like a miracle, they have come together to dream, design, craft and build a new life in France.

A very French Affair
Author: Maria Hoyle
I had to read this. Maria Hoyle is from my home city (Auckland, New Zealand) and I literally could have passed her in the street. I know the local areas that she talks about, and I relate to her stage of life (early 60’s) and ‘seize the day’ attitude.
In a nutshell, Maria meets a fellow adventurer living 15 years in NZ, who is about to move over to live in a mill house he owns in France. Following a short, intensely romantic time together, the invitation to join him in France was just what she needed. “Life is too short’ to not take chances.