Death at the Chateau continued
The stage is set for a murder at Château de Valençay in the Loire Valley. A full ensemble of actors, film set extras and those who do not appear as they seem is in place for this murder mystery.
Our hero is Richard, local English owner of the B&B where the main characters of the story are staying and his partner in deduction, Valerie, a French professional bounty hunter. They make a strange team but its exactly the team needed when the murders start happening.
For those who have a love with film history and the old classics, with enough detail about film production to sound authentic and a lively pace, Death at the Chateau moves along at a comfortable pace and kept my interest.
There was lots of potential murderers, plenty of action sequences, and a fair few laughs of the avian sort with Clovis the attacking peacock and the chickens named after movie stars.
Enjoy the descriptions of the Chateau (I see that the author lives nearby) and the theme of unexpected murder deep in the French countryside.
I enjoyed this book enough to wish I had started at the first in the series, Death and Croissants to really get to know the main characters.
Book 1 Death and Croissants
Book 2 Death and Fromage
Book 3 Death and Papa Noel
Book 4 Death and Le Jardin