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Timeless Paris continued 

This coffee table sized book, boosts photos and a brief background to each of the businesses. They range from specialist seed merchants, crafters of artists easels, seller of ornamental trimmings, museums of curiosities’, taxidermists, haberdashers and everything in between.


A brief history of each business is provided. Some caught my attention more than others, but in total, this book turned out to be a surprisingly great page turner!!


Timelessness is so appealing.


 The author has a clear, respectful writing style (I liked the font – it suited the topics), plus each few pages there were meticulously detailed illustrations relating to the products or goods – a painted cotton reel, an array of paint brushes from large to small, woodworking tools, birdcages – things that caught his artists eye are captured in a unique style.


The premises themselves are part of the story. Often still operating out of original locations, Montague pays homage to how the buildings are part of the business’s soul: “wooden counters, walls covered with shelving, a cashier’s station with glass partitions, front doors that still display the former owner’s names spelled out in enamelled lettering’.


He uses the right words to create the atmosphere of times past and make us consider how rushed and hurried the business world can be today.

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